The Comedia as journey and vision
in Romano Guardini’s interpretation*
Gennaro Ciccheseby Gennaro Cicchese Key words: Travel, Vision, Light, Cosmic Reality, Heavenly Reality, Dante, Jung. Abstract: This essay briefly retraces the Dante studies of the philosopher and theologian Romano G...
ReadmoreMotivations, Exile, Spirit of Splitting, Political Combativeness of the Supreme Poet.
Maurizio Fiascoby Maurizio Fiasco Key Words: Politics and existence, psychology of exile, lies in politics, heroic imagination Abstract: In this essay the author examines the biography and the words of Dante's poli...
ReadmoreDante and Virgil: a glance at the inner journey
Carla Russello and Stefania Casamassimaby Carla Russello and Stefania Casamassima Key words: Dante, Virgil, transference, countertransference Abstract: Though the Divine Comedy was born between the middle ages and the advent of the new ag...
ReadmoreDante e la divina commedia
“The Baptism of Fire”
Reflections on the concept of Transformation
in the process of psychological-analytical individuation
Antonio Grassi, Sandra Beriviby Antonio Grassi and Sandra Berivi Key Words: Fire - Light - Word - Transformation – Individuation Abstract: The authors propose an articulated and in-depth analysis of the Jungian concept o...
ReadmoreDal libro di Giovanni Fighera Paradiso. In viaggio con Dante verso le stelle (Edizioni Sugarco).
Articles with favorable opinion GEV and Editorial Board, Articles with favorable opinion only of Editorial Board, pub. nr. 05 enThe Fire and the Light in the Divine Comedy
Antonio Grassi, Sandra Beriviby Antonio Grassi and Sandra Berivi Key Words: Fire - Light - Word - Transformation – Individuation Abstract: The authors propose a vision of the process of individuation, as proposed by Analyt...
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The Folly of Matriarchy
Sandra Berivi - Antonio GrassiThe Folly of Matriarchy ‘And then I understood everything. When she stopped on the path under the Baxter's garden and heard Roz's laughter, she understood it was a derisive laugh. She was mocking her, and Mary finally understood everything. It was...