Thoughts on trauma and mistreatment through the interpretation of Hänsel and Gretel – the fairy tale. Brief Psychodynamic Reading according to Jung’s theory of complexes and the Communicative approach.
Casamassima S.; Russello C.; Berivi S.; Grassi ACasamassima S.; Russello C.; Berivi S.; Grassi A KeyWords: abandonment, neglect, over-care, mistreatment, mother Abstract According to Jungian Anal...
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Cuzzocrea G.1, Fontana A.1, Sidel i L.1 Caretti V. 11Department of Human Science, LUMSA University of Rome Abstract: Religious and spiritual practices stand among the oldest forms of interventions aime...
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A psychodynamic intervention model of group therapy for burnout prevention in a palliative care team.
Ardito D., Galli R.Keywords: Palliative care, Hospice, Burnout, Psychodynamic group psychotherapy. Abstract: The aim of this article is to propose a psychodynamic model...
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The potential benefit of adapted sailing activity on wellbeing and mental health. A systematic review
Pecora R.1, Fontana A. 1, Cesarino F. 2, Lo Verso G. 3, Sáez Suanes G. P. 4, Caretti V.1, Sideli L. 1*1 Department of Human Studies, LUMSA University, Rome (Italy) 2 “Inclusion, health, and care” Rome Littoral Foundation, Ostia, Rome (Italy) 3 Departm...
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Strengths and Criticisms
Dolci A. [1] , Capece M. [2]Keywords: Alternative measures to imprisonment, recidivism, Assignment to Social Service Supervision, Penitentiary System, social reintegration. Abst...
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Anorexia Nervosa and fasting as a religious symbol: an in-depth analysis from a communicative psychodynamic perspective
Moretti P.1 & Zebi L.11 Department of Psychiatry, University of Perugia, Perugia (PG) ABSTRACT Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is an Eating Disorder (ED) characterized by a persis...
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The Folly of Matriarchy
Sandra Berivi - Antonio GrassiThe Folly of Matriarchy ‘And then I understood everything. When she stopped on the path under the Baxter's garden and heard Roz's laughter, she understood it was a derisive laugh. She was mocking her, and Mary finally understood everything. It was...