- Analitical Psychology, pub. nr. 03 en, With the favorable opinion of the Scientific Committee of the Conference and of the Editorial Board
The Pathological Gambling Game (GAP) An open window on post-modernity matriarchal universe
Antonio Grassi e Sandra BeriviThe Pathological Gambling Game (GAP) An open window on post-modernity matriarchal universe di Antonio Grassi e Sandra Berivi Summary : The Authors identify in the Pathological Gambling Game a w...
Flash news
The Folly of Matriarchy
Sandra Berivi - Antonio GrassiThe Folly of Matriarchy ‘And then I understood everything. When she stopped on the path under the Baxter's garden and heard Roz's laughter, she understood it was a derisive laugh. She was mocking her, and Mary finally understood everything. It was...